自从: since记事: keep a record of events; mak ...以来: since自: self; oneself; one's own有: 5年 fifteen years记忆: remember; recall时: shí]起: rise; get up; stand up自从那时起: ever since = from then on记忆时间: memory period; memory time主记录,自有记录: owner record局部记忆时间: local memory time速度记忆时间: velocity memory time有记忆信道: channel with memory; memory channel有记忆信源: information source with memory有记忆信号源: sources with memory自从那时起一直: ever since自从开始下雨以来: my wound has been aching ever since it started to rain自从上星期一以来: since last monday从那时起,自那时以来: ever since无因次局部记忆时间: dimensionless local memory time自从上次给你写信以来: since i wrote to you last time there has happened a lot自从中美两国建交以来: since the establishment of diplomatic ties between china and the us将你从记忆中完全抹去: to get your face right out of my mind自从: since 自从去年至今他未回过家。he hasn't been home since last year. 自从实行新的管理制度以来, 这个厂的生产有了很大发展。 since the new management system was put into effect, the production of this factory has increased tremendously